Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Today I realized that it has been over two years since I wrote. Sorry. Shit happens. :) Anyway, here is an might be a little long. Brace yourself.

So last I left it I think I was very different. I lived in BYU housing and I dated boys. :) So right now I am living in Denver, CO and I have a girlfriend and two beautiful dogs. I will tell you how I got here from there in such a way that hopefully won't bore you with the longevity of it. 

So November and December 2010 were pretty bumpy. A lot was going on in my life and I was pretty strained. During that time, I decided to go to school in January at UVU and my major was Art and Visual Communications. By the end of the semester, I had a completely different outlook on life than before. My philosophy class was a big turning point in my life and helped me solidify some of my views on different things. If you want more information, just ask me. :) 
Anyway, by the end of the semester I had joined a social network called '' for LGBT folk. Within a few weeks I had met a boy who asked me to message his lesbian friend and I did. Monique Schauerhamer. We hit it off right away and started dating, and a year and a half later and here we are, living in Denver and having fun. :) So yeah. We moved to Denver at the end of August 2012 and got an apartment with DeAnna and her cat, Phoebe. 
I now work at the Vitamin Cottage and I love it so far. It is a health food store, for those who don't know and it has been an awesome learning experience thus far. :) Imagine that. Two years ago I was addicted to soda and gaining weight like a champ. :) Now I am a vegan, completely off soda and refined sugars and healthier than I have ever been. 
I love hiking and I can't wait to hit the trails tonight. Anyway, that is a short update on my life. 
Hopefully not too boring. 

And now for the problem at hand.... 
I have this hair... and it is getting pretty crazy. It had been long for a while, in July of 2011 I cut it short...dyke short... and now I had been thinking about growing it out... because I wanted dread locks. Now I am not so sure. Short hair is just so easy and low effort. So instead of growing it out, I might buzz it a few more times....who knows. :)Anyway. 

That is the latest definition of Candace. 
Until next time...:)