Tuesday, November 30, 2010

+blank canvas

So sorry I have been kinda lame and nonexistant, life is crazy! Ha anyway, it is late so I will be breif tonight.
I have recently started painting again (as of like 2 days ago) and I am completely loving it. And I have been having tons and tons of ideas for paintings and drawings of all kinds pop magically into my head all the time. But I have been having a difficult time figuring out how to start things. So of course, when in doubt- remember what your high school art teacher lectured you on. Mr. Rees was teaching us balance and composition and blah and he said something to the effect of "A blank canvas is very boring and quite intimidating, so just throw some color and shape on there as a background to start and then go from there".  So yes this totally applies to art, and it is what I am planning on doing, BUT it also applies to...ready? ta da!- Life in general.
I was thinking about all the prettiest most seemingly perfect and flawless people I know, and how they are often extrememly intimidating, but they are also the most boring people I know (Note: This concept is only in theory, because I know that these people are in fact not perfect because no one is, but just for the sake of the analogy, please play along). So I guess what I am trying to say is that maybe the flaws and blemishes are what makes a person an actual mortal human being and not just a perfect edward cullen. :) (ha that was a twilight joke.) Maybe the scars and background of a person is really what makes them into a beautiful painting. Because how boring is a plain white piece of paper?
So I don't know if any of that actually made sense because I am a bit tired, but hopefully ya'll get the gist of it. :)
Anyway, moral of the story, rough yourself up a little, because it adds character.
Okay scratch that, dumb moral. Moral of the story- Life is art, Art is life.
Peace out.
I'll eventually probably put up some of my paintings on this here blog.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm going to be a STUDENT!!!

       I am going to be a college student at UVU starting in January. I am stoked. :) Ha I have never been so excited to be completely overwhelmed with working full time at work and taking 15 credits of classes. Registration is in like 2 weeks and today I made the schedule that I hope I can get, but I made two different ones just in case. :) I'm going to be a STUDENT! I am going to get an education. OH and I forgot, so I am not going to be a personal trainer anymore. I have decided that I want to be an architect instead (when I say that I decided it actually went down like this- Me to Katelyn "Katelyn, let's play rock, paper, scissors for my future. I am architect you are personal trainer." I won best two out of three and so I am going to be an architect. But I figure it's not that big of a deal to decide my future like that because I am basically good at everything I try).
       Oh and I am like a longboarder now, with a longboard of my own, and a few miles under my belt and an imaginary name tag that says "I'm the best".
       Over the top a lil? Okay, I'll deflate a bit. But seriously...don't get me started on the list of things that I am talented at, because it goes on and on. :)
       So it's AA in AVC (aka- Associates of Arts in Art and Visual Communication) at UVU- hopefully by April 2012. Then it's off to the UofU to do a BA in Pre-Architecture or something and then the graduate program at UofU as well. :) Then I will be an architect (plus a few years or so of internship with a firm or something legit). :)
Peace Out.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Food Inc.

       If you have never seen the documentary Food Inc., watch it. It will change the way you think about food and life in general. Did you know that cows, who are naturally built to be fed grass in order to maintain optimum health, are now fed corn because it is significantly cheaper? Did you know that unlike grass, corn provides a breeding ground for E coli in the cow's stomach and is then in the fecal waste that the cows trod through up to their ankles in 24 hours a day. The cows are then brought to the slaughter house in the same condition (covered in their own feces and waste) and slaughtered, often not being cleaned as thoroughly as possible and then chopped up and sent all over the nation. That's where the E coli virus comes from. The virus that kills. All because big companies that mass produce want to do so the cheapest way possible (there is nothing wrong with that) without any concern for what it's doing to the economy, the farmers or the consumers (there IS something wrong with that).
       That is just one of the many disgusting things that makes me re-think what I eat after watching that show. Seriously, watch it. Because who knows where your food actually comes from. Do you?
       Peace out.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


       I just realized the reason why people (me included) watch television so much and for such long periods of time. It's because there is just something about sitting down and watching other people live their lives that hides us from our problems, and shields us from our responsibilities and basically puts a blanket over the eyes of our reality. I am not bashing on those that watch TV, or television itself. But when we sit down to watch our favorite television show, our minds wander and we put ourselves in their position and for a brief moment we are not ourselves, we are the carefully coordinated script and meticulously sculpted actor. We watch TV when we are "bored" or we go to see movies when we are on dates because it is something to do that distracts us from just sitting there and actually having to interact with others. It's an easy and inexpensive way to become someone else, if only in our mind's eye for a few minutes so that we don't have to be ourselves. And the more we watch, the more we want to watch. 10 minutes turns into 3 hours and then we want to do the exact same thing tomorrow. It's addicting.
       Why is it that this happens? Why can't we just live our own lives instead of vicariously living through the pretend lives of actors?  Let me know if you have any insights. :)
       Peace out.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


       Today I got an email advertising burial insurance. "Enjoy the peace of mind in not having to leave your loved ones with a financial mess to clean up"...
       Lol, they must have heard about my reckless longboarding adventures with a bunch of guys I barely knew. And our 3 get-aways from the PoPo.
       And just a question, throwin it out there- why do guys like to longboard with the least amount of clothes on as possible? They are going down seriously sick slopes in their briefies. And the girls that were boarding- more than the usual amount of clothing on. I guess here is a classic example of how one gender is obviously significantly more well endowed with common sense than the other. Just sayin :)
       So I freaking love longboarding, but I have a confessiona to make, brace yourselves- I didn't longboard tonight with the guys. Ha I was way too scared that I would eat it and mess up my pretty face in front of the shirtless boys. Oh and the fact that I have only been on a longboard a grand total of 4 times. Yes including the time when I sat down and pushed myself with my hands. And I still ran over my finger. But imma learn.
       Anyway- Peace Out. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My rebel streak...literally. :)

don't ask

My Poor Stupidity


      So the other day (yesterday), I get home from work and Keng and Katelyn are chillin on their laptops in the kitchen and they get a text saying that Amberli is coming home to go to FHE soon. So we are like, it'd be so funny if we hid, so when she came home she looked for us. But how would she know we were missing? So we made the apartment look as if someone had broken in and kidnapped us, and we completely trashed the apartment. To complete the pseudo crime scene, the jerkfaces "accidentally" (note: I think it was really on purpose), spilled my freshly opened Coke all over the counter and floor. Oh and then we hid in the closet.
     One hour passed and our roommates came home, noticed their was a mess, cleaned up the mess, didn't care to look for our rotting corpses, did math homework, and still we hid in the closet. The three of us. In a space no larger than a bread-box. Okay, but really more like a 3.75' by 2.25' space on the closet floor. Which was surprisingly ill-ventilated and I neglected to eat before so my stomach cried a lot.
       After about 45 minutes, we banged on the walls and doors and still no one noticed, and yet they were home and apparently thought that the loud thuds on the walls were normal. So moral of the story, if you have been kidnapped and taped up in a closet, no one cares. :)
       I have recently come across an artist that I knew existed, but not like I know them now. Flyleaf. The most amazing chick ever. She screams. Like screamo music. A girl. And she is disgustingly talented at that, and she can sing normal amazingly as well. It's sick.
      I went and saw a movie called "Easy A" tonight with Ashley, Kourtney, Sarah, Chelsea, and a girl who we will call Beatrice (because it's irrelevant to the moral). And it was freaking amazing. It is about this girl in HS who fakes losing her virginity to some guy in a story to her best friend, and word gets around and suddenly she is fake sexing all these guys throughout the high school for bribes. And a bunch of other stuff goes on, but what I got out of it was that it doesn't matter who you are, because well people are gonna think whatever they hear anyway, so who gives a bleep what everyone else thinks. If you are happy, if you are doing what you want, then why do you care if Stacey (fictitious) from chemistry (fictitious as well. Not the subject in general, but I am just not in a class currently), thinks that you are a tramp. I think that is just where I am in life though, because that is what I always get out of movies. That and never trust a lawn-gnome (also fictitious).
       Right now life is really just amazing. It is incredible what liberating yourself from pressures of living someone else's expectations can do for a being (human or animal, ha jk.)
       Oh and I burned myself with my hair straightener wicked bad last night. Because I was doing my hair at night and not waked enough to concentrate. Because I had just shampooed my hair and I wanted to style it. Because I had just put a purple streak in my hair. Actually I didn't, it was Katelyn. And the straightener was falling and I thought to myself "OMG, nothing will be worse than it falling to the ground and me having to pick up the cool side with my hand to prevent me from burning myself." and it turns out that logic was largely false. Burning your hand trying to catch the straightener was far worse. :) The skin where the blister was is mostly gone now. I'll post pics. :) Oh and of my hair as well. Peace out.
       Live life liberated: Do what you desire to do, be who you desire to be, and stop being a pansy. :)
       THE END.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

One column of pretzel sticks

I organize my pretzels before I eat them. Into a cute little column of pretzel sticks. Then I go through and since the one with the most salt is my favorite, I take the ones that don't have any salt, the naked ones and eat them first. And I'm collecting Coke cans. Pepsi has lost all positive flavor and now tastes like nail polish remover.
I also have become obsessed with nationalgeographic.com, and this show about people who get locked away while they aren't in america because they are trying to traffic drugs.
I learned today that the great white shark is roughly the size of the prehistoric megalodon shark's manhood. That's a big shark.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

no more room for the food...

       Whoever thought that 6 girls could all share a fridge was an idiot. There is NO room! one fridge, 6 people with milk and eggs and fruit and yogurt and bread and  leftovers and cheese. It just doesn't fit. And plus, the pantry is tiny too. And there is only 5.25 shelves, and how do you split that between 6 people? There is plenty of other random storage space throughout the apartment, but who wants to put their wheaties in with the vacuum? No one.
       Ha so last night I was rejected by a vending machine. I have a headache so I go to get a pepsi, and I put in 65 cents and press the button, and nothing. I press a diet button, and nothing. Then I press a dew button, and nothing. So I went and got 65 more cents and settled for coke instead, which for the record tastes like moldy cheese compared to dew and pepsi.
       Oh and I carried 6 bags of groceries home today, which is only like a half mile, but it was so DANG heavy that I didn't even need to go to the gym today.
       But, I have to admit that coke cans look a lot cooler than pepsi cans. I just like the coloring and such better.
     I am a very happy girl. :) I have an apartment with amazing roomies, and I have a great job, and great friends, and my family, despite it's slightly dysfunctional state, is actually kinda cool I guess. :)

Friday, September 10, 2010

My New Roomies :)

       So first off- my roommates are freaking amazing. Jessica, Amberli, Penelope(that's her real name, but she goes by something else that I cannot really pronounce or spell, so we call her nelly), Keng and Katelyn. So two nights ago we ended up all standing around in the one room of the apartment listening to uber loud music that ranges everywhere from screamo to techno to hard core rap. And then they are belting out Celine Dion and talking about how they just get chills from listening to her. And I learned how to light my hand on fire.
       Then tonight we went for an energy drink run and took out all the shelves in the hall closet so that we could hide Amberli's bicycle from her. :) And I went and got cupcakes with my guy friend Adam and they told me that it was booty call because anything after ten is booty call. So before I left to go with him, they locked me out and wouldn't let me back in until I yelled out that I was being a booty call tonight. And there were people ALL OVER outside listening. Ha and then I get back from the free cupcake and I think that it is just gonna be them in the apartment and I walk in and say "It was just a quickie" and no they aren't even there, but the living room was full of guys from the ward and then I banged the gong of
"got some", which basically means that you kissed that night.
       Anyway, moral of the story- my roommates are tight and nothing sincere happens after 10.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

List of Things I Live For

       Okay so in light of my terrific day I have compiled a list of the things that make me the happiest. These are the things that without, I don't think that I would look at the world the same.
-Best friends [Long long list...]
-Little sisters [just one, but she shows how much she misses me by physically abusing me in the middle of dinner at a restaurant. I'm literally covered in bruises on the side of my body that she was sitting next to, and I love her freaking guts]
-Cheeseburgers with large, crisp, juicy onions [thank you In and Out]
-Eminem [edited and post-ambien addiction]
-Pretzels and M&M's [Together...always together]
-Deodorant [because without it, the world would truly smell different]
-My calves [because without them, how would a distract all the boys at the gym]
-Cotton Swabs aka q-tips [I am slightly obsessed with the no ear wax ever concept]
-Not being color blind [to me, pink isn't even a color-it's a disgrace]
-Skullcandy headphones [don't even think about the new knock-offs, no one competes]
-Thumbs [you never realize how amazing something is until it is cut, swollen and wrapped in a bandage so that it's 3 times it's original size and rendered completely useless]
-Bicycles [if it weren't for the makers of Gary Fisher Hybrids I would walk everywhere]
-Fish Oil Pills [actually, I don't know why they made the cut]
-Mirrors [Imagine a world where only everyone else was able to see your beautiful face, and the booger hanging from your left nostril]
-Makeup [Imagine a world where you couldn't hide the beautiful blemishes strategically placed on your beautiful face]
-Toilet Paper [:)]
-Less than attractive boys-bless their hearts [for without them, we would never know who the attractive ones were]
       Okay that's it I think. I mean there are plenty more, but I can't think of them right now. :)
       So I have always liked writing, but a year ago ish I started this story/journal/autobiography and I really got into it and then life happened and I never finished it. But my friend, Kourtney, found a copy of what I had finished of it and I was talking to her about it and she thinks that I should finish. I think that it is one of those stories that you are kind of hesitant to share, but at the same time there are a lot of life lessons to be learned by others. So I am now going to finish it, I think.
       I guess part of the reason that I am hesitant to share it with others is because after people read that, it's like they suddenly realize who I am and why I am the way I am, they know my past and they treat me differently. Almost everyone who dislikes me with their first impression, loves me after they hear about my past. And everyone who loves when they first meet me love me even more. And it bothers me. Maybe I am just not willing to admit that my past makes up a big part of who I am. But I don't think I have met anyone, that after hearing my story likes me less. Read it and suddenly- Candace is funny, smart, strong and resilient. But before I am just the overly talkative short redhead who laughs at everything [including her own jokes] and gets along with everyone. Oh well, I guess that is just the way that it is. :)
       So anyway- I will be apparently finishing this story and maybe [if ya'll are lucky] posting it. :) I love that I am pretending like I am talking to an audience and so far I have 0 followers. :)
       Take it is a compliment- we keep secrets from those we love the most.
       Peace Out.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

oops! :)

       So I had previously been eating M&M's on my bed and watching a movie with my laptop and headphones. And then I got up and when I came back I saw an M&M on my bed and so I picked it up and bit it- and it was the ear bud for my headphones. :) Bright red, but not nearly as tasty or soft on my teeth as chocolate.

Might As Well Go Practically Big

       So my latest ambition, the thing I would like to "grow up to be" is a personal trainer. Teach people how to gain control of their lives again through getting in great shape and taking care of the body that enables them to be alive. And eventually I would like to own my very own gym/health and fitness company. But I have recently also thought about other things too. I guess you could say that from my initial post-elementary school career goal, I have fallen down the ambition ladder quite a bit. I used to want to be an architect. Sitting in an office dreaming up big residential and commercial buildings and using both my stunning intelligence and my wild creativity and artistic talents to design buildings with function, practicality and aesthetic appeal. Minimum 5 years of schooling plus internship and I would still have to butt kiss my way to graduate from draftsman to architect at a big firm. So I ditched it and settled on personal trainer, a job in which I would be able to use mental skills to design and strategize and physical strength to demonstrate and coach others to a more healthy life. [I really should write commercials :)].
       I have also been thinking something military- which all of my friends of course are thoroughly opposed to the idea, Police officer- which apparently would also fail as a career for a 5'2" redhead, and a firefighter, which also could require a bit more of a physique than I have been blessed with. So maybe I will just have to stick with saving the planet one sit-up at a time. Either that or just get myself  some new friends. [jk, Ashleyface :)]
       Besides, personal training is something I could do at an entry level with no college education, just certification, and work my way through getting a degree that enables me to recieve a pay increase. Sure beats the pay at the big PM :)
       So I'm dreaming big [with the my own gym thing], but not so impossibly big that I get myself looking back at my life 2 years from now still making pizzas with my bank thousands in the red from student loans and thinking "Why didn't I just go to the gym and learn how to make people healthy?" :) So yeah. Dream big, but do so practically. Believing in your abilities and talents can only get you so far.
       Today's list of favorites-
#1- Bald People. Especially when you can tell that the poor suckers are only in their mid-twenties. :)
#2- The miniature lake created in your belly button when you take a bath.
#3- The fact that no matter what company it is that advertises no deodorant marks with their black dress labels and claims- you still end up with deodorant smeared on the collar of your batman shirt. Or maybe that is just me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Many Many Colors and Brushstrokes

       So first off, work was intense!!! 1189 pizzas, blowing the old record out of the water by 300 and I think our entire crew is exhausted. Everyone was happy and energetic and smiling and just working as fast as we possibly could all night and it was just great. :) By far the best night I have ever had at work. It was the first night since I first started working there that I felt that I have actually made a substantial difference to the good of the business. It feels good to actually accomplish things at work. And only 3 days left until I get a day off and they won't be nearly as intense, hopefully. The teamwork was just incredible.
       Then after work my good friend, Joey, said something to me that really made me think. He said "Your problems define you". And maybe I am just thinking out-loud, but I guess in a way it is true. More the way that we handle the problems that face us, but still. Every single challenge that we are faced with, we are also faced with decisions. Optimism VS Pessimism and positive VS negative really does make all the difference. The way we face our problems and the decisions that we make in response to difficult situations really does define who we are.
       I am not sure if he meant me specifically, which wouldn't surprise me with how much that kid knows about my life, but it can be applied to everyone. Many many colors and brushstrokes is what it takes to make a painting. Just saying. :)
       And tonight I have decided on my official three favorite physical assets (besides the fact that I am naturally a very attractive person-that's a given):
       -My calves.
       -My neck.
       -My teeth.
       I love them all. I am also a fan of my gecko toes and my triceps.
Peace Out. :)

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Gym: My Emotional Panacea

       Work: stressful, busy, fast-paced, tiring (especially running on 3 and a half hours of sleep), and draining in so many ways. We have been super busy the past two days because of our special deal for our "Customer Appreciation Days". It is basically where we sell literally 5 times as many pizzas at ridiculously cheap prices. Anyway so I have worked 25 hours in the past 3 days and I am exhausted. So maybe that could have partially to blame for me crying when I got home. Also there was a bit of drama with a coworker/close friend that was, admittedly, in direct consequence of an honest mistake on my part. Anyway so I get home and I cry and then I still don't feel good and even though I have just biked exactly 2.6 miles home as fast as I could I decide that going to gym would be the best way to release all the built up tension.
Of course the gym is packed when I get there. Apparently people like going to the gym at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays. And I do my quads, calves, triceps, biceps and chest. 30 Minutes and 7 Linkin Park songs later I come home and I am smiling. Everything gone. AMAZING. Really. Try it.
Oh and I ate a whole box of tic-tacs in like 3 minutes.
And I have a secret confession (which I am now going to tell you). I am completely obsessed with my calves. I never noticed how perfectly sculpted they were until I started going to the gym. And they are even getting more so. I have amazing calves. And the cutest little tiny skinny ankles ever. They are by far my favorite asset. And I am not just saying that out of vanity. I truly have amazing calves. I would post a picture, but it's better in person, trust me. But, since I am a complete ginger, I am white as a ghost, and so too are my amazing calves. Moral: working out is amazing.
Peace out.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Attempt Numero Uno

       So I have never really done this blogging thing. But, with the talented writer that I am[:)]and aspire to be I might as well give it a shot, besides I have way too much time on my hands and a very small internet fee at my new apartment. :) So yeah, my name is Candace and I blog...apparently.
       Yesterday I was watching this episode of Grey's Anatomy, my new favorite TV show, and at the very end of the episode, Meredith Grey gives this whole speech about how hikers don't get their picture taken during the excruciating climb up. Only at the top, after they have acheived success, are they praised for their work. And it led me to the following thoughts...It reminds me of how when I was growing up, my uncle used to say "Do or do not, there is no try." He was probably quoting Star Wars or something. And of course he was saying this about weeding the garden, not about hiking Mount Everest or anything, but still.
       I guess you could say that we all go through phases in life, starting [and failing :)] diets, different jobs, going to school, all of which are reflections of new ideas of who we are, and who we want to be. And if you have read The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, then you will probably remember that horrible word "paradigm"? [I don't think it is horrible in that I don't like the meaning, I just don't like it because it looks gross and tricks you]. Well having different "paradigms" or ways of looking at what we see, our views of the world, ourselves and others, really influences everything, even down to the daily decisions we make. Junk Food VS Healthy Food, that decision all depends on your current paradigm. If you think of yourself as a complex carbon-based life form that needs fuel to survive, and the best way to survive is to eat what is necessary and deemed "healthy" by the world's top researchers and health experts, then you would probably throw out the Dew and pizza. But if you thought of yourself as just a girl or guy who is thirsty and hungry and has a cold can of Mtn Dew in your fridge and a freshly baked Papa Murphys Pizza on your stove top, then you would most likely choose Dew and Pizza. But it all depends on how you interpret [and define] what you see. And not just about health and fitness [yes, I know; blah blah blah] but everything in your life: your religious beliefs, your schooling, your bank account, your wardrobe, your occupation, your transportation. EVERYTHING.
       And these definitions change a lot over time. They are practically continuously changing. So instead of using that disgusting "p" word, I think I like just the phrase "The Latest Definition" of my life. Besides, who wants a blog called "The Continuously Changing Paradigm". :)
       Anyway, that was kinda long so I'm done.  Peace Out.
p.s.- I work at Papa Murphys Pizza, fantastic pizza, sorry for bashing. We currently have a disgustingly cheap $3.99 Large Pepperoni. Limit 3. Valid at Utah locations only.