Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Today I realized that it has been over two years since I wrote. Sorry. Shit happens. :) Anyway, here is an might be a little long. Brace yourself.

So last I left it I think I was very different. I lived in BYU housing and I dated boys. :) So right now I am living in Denver, CO and I have a girlfriend and two beautiful dogs. I will tell you how I got here from there in such a way that hopefully won't bore you with the longevity of it. 

So November and December 2010 were pretty bumpy. A lot was going on in my life and I was pretty strained. During that time, I decided to go to school in January at UVU and my major was Art and Visual Communications. By the end of the semester, I had a completely different outlook on life than before. My philosophy class was a big turning point in my life and helped me solidify some of my views on different things. If you want more information, just ask me. :) 
Anyway, by the end of the semester I had joined a social network called '' for LGBT folk. Within a few weeks I had met a boy who asked me to message his lesbian friend and I did. Monique Schauerhamer. We hit it off right away and started dating, and a year and a half later and here we are, living in Denver and having fun. :) So yeah. We moved to Denver at the end of August 2012 and got an apartment with DeAnna and her cat, Phoebe. 
I now work at the Vitamin Cottage and I love it so far. It is a health food store, for those who don't know and it has been an awesome learning experience thus far. :) Imagine that. Two years ago I was addicted to soda and gaining weight like a champ. :) Now I am a vegan, completely off soda and refined sugars and healthier than I have ever been. 
I love hiking and I can't wait to hit the trails tonight. Anyway, that is a short update on my life. 
Hopefully not too boring. 

And now for the problem at hand.... 
I have this hair... and it is getting pretty crazy. It had been long for a while, in July of 2011 I cut it short...dyke short... and now I had been thinking about growing it out... because I wanted dread locks. Now I am not so sure. Short hair is just so easy and low effort. So instead of growing it out, I might buzz it a few more times....who knows. :)Anyway. 

That is the latest definition of Candace. 
Until next time...:)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

+blank canvas

So sorry I have been kinda lame and nonexistant, life is crazy! Ha anyway, it is late so I will be breif tonight.
I have recently started painting again (as of like 2 days ago) and I am completely loving it. And I have been having tons and tons of ideas for paintings and drawings of all kinds pop magically into my head all the time. But I have been having a difficult time figuring out how to start things. So of course, when in doubt- remember what your high school art teacher lectured you on. Mr. Rees was teaching us balance and composition and blah and he said something to the effect of "A blank canvas is very boring and quite intimidating, so just throw some color and shape on there as a background to start and then go from there".  So yes this totally applies to art, and it is what I am planning on doing, BUT it also applies to...ready? ta da!- Life in general.
I was thinking about all the prettiest most seemingly perfect and flawless people I know, and how they are often extrememly intimidating, but they are also the most boring people I know (Note: This concept is only in theory, because I know that these people are in fact not perfect because no one is, but just for the sake of the analogy, please play along). So I guess what I am trying to say is that maybe the flaws and blemishes are what makes a person an actual mortal human being and not just a perfect edward cullen. :) (ha that was a twilight joke.) Maybe the scars and background of a person is really what makes them into a beautiful painting. Because how boring is a plain white piece of paper?
So I don't know if any of that actually made sense because I am a bit tired, but hopefully ya'll get the gist of it. :)
Anyway, moral of the story, rough yourself up a little, because it adds character.
Okay scratch that, dumb moral. Moral of the story- Life is art, Art is life.
Peace out.
I'll eventually probably put up some of my paintings on this here blog.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I'm going to be a STUDENT!!!

       I am going to be a college student at UVU starting in January. I am stoked. :) Ha I have never been so excited to be completely overwhelmed with working full time at work and taking 15 credits of classes. Registration is in like 2 weeks and today I made the schedule that I hope I can get, but I made two different ones just in case. :) I'm going to be a STUDENT! I am going to get an education. OH and I forgot, so I am not going to be a personal trainer anymore. I have decided that I want to be an architect instead (when I say that I decided it actually went down like this- Me to Katelyn "Katelyn, let's play rock, paper, scissors for my future. I am architect you are personal trainer." I won best two out of three and so I am going to be an architect. But I figure it's not that big of a deal to decide my future like that because I am basically good at everything I try).
       Oh and I am like a longboarder now, with a longboard of my own, and a few miles under my belt and an imaginary name tag that says "I'm the best".
       Over the top a lil? Okay, I'll deflate a bit. But seriously...don't get me started on the list of things that I am talented at, because it goes on and on. :)
       So it's AA in AVC (aka- Associates of Arts in Art and Visual Communication) at UVU- hopefully by April 2012. Then it's off to the UofU to do a BA in Pre-Architecture or something and then the graduate program at UofU as well. :) Then I will be an architect (plus a few years or so of internship with a firm or something legit). :)
Peace Out.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Food Inc.

       If you have never seen the documentary Food Inc., watch it. It will change the way you think about food and life in general. Did you know that cows, who are naturally built to be fed grass in order to maintain optimum health, are now fed corn because it is significantly cheaper? Did you know that unlike grass, corn provides a breeding ground for E coli in the cow's stomach and is then in the fecal waste that the cows trod through up to their ankles in 24 hours a day. The cows are then brought to the slaughter house in the same condition (covered in their own feces and waste) and slaughtered, often not being cleaned as thoroughly as possible and then chopped up and sent all over the nation. That's where the E coli virus comes from. The virus that kills. All because big companies that mass produce want to do so the cheapest way possible (there is nothing wrong with that) without any concern for what it's doing to the economy, the farmers or the consumers (there IS something wrong with that).
       That is just one of the many disgusting things that makes me re-think what I eat after watching that show. Seriously, watch it. Because who knows where your food actually comes from. Do you?
       Peace out.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


       I just realized the reason why people (me included) watch television so much and for such long periods of time. It's because there is just something about sitting down and watching other people live their lives that hides us from our problems, and shields us from our responsibilities and basically puts a blanket over the eyes of our reality. I am not bashing on those that watch TV, or television itself. But when we sit down to watch our favorite television show, our minds wander and we put ourselves in their position and for a brief moment we are not ourselves, we are the carefully coordinated script and meticulously sculpted actor. We watch TV when we are "bored" or we go to see movies when we are on dates because it is something to do that distracts us from just sitting there and actually having to interact with others. It's an easy and inexpensive way to become someone else, if only in our mind's eye for a few minutes so that we don't have to be ourselves. And the more we watch, the more we want to watch. 10 minutes turns into 3 hours and then we want to do the exact same thing tomorrow. It's addicting.
       Why is it that this happens? Why can't we just live our own lives instead of vicariously living through the pretend lives of actors?  Let me know if you have any insights. :)
       Peace out.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


       Today I got an email advertising burial insurance. "Enjoy the peace of mind in not having to leave your loved ones with a financial mess to clean up"...
       Lol, they must have heard about my reckless longboarding adventures with a bunch of guys I barely knew. And our 3 get-aways from the PoPo.
       And just a question, throwin it out there- why do guys like to longboard with the least amount of clothes on as possible? They are going down seriously sick slopes in their briefies. And the girls that were boarding- more than the usual amount of clothing on. I guess here is a classic example of how one gender is obviously significantly more well endowed with common sense than the other. Just sayin :)
       So I freaking love longboarding, but I have a confessiona to make, brace yourselves- I didn't longboard tonight with the guys. Ha I was way too scared that I would eat it and mess up my pretty face in front of the shirtless boys. Oh and the fact that I have only been on a longboard a grand total of 4 times. Yes including the time when I sat down and pushed myself with my hands. And I still ran over my finger. But imma learn.
       Anyway- Peace Out. :)