Tuesday, September 7, 2010

List of Things I Live For

       Okay so in light of my terrific day I have compiled a list of the things that make me the happiest. These are the things that without, I don't think that I would look at the world the same.
-Best friends [Long long list...]
-Little sisters [just one, but she shows how much she misses me by physically abusing me in the middle of dinner at a restaurant. I'm literally covered in bruises on the side of my body that she was sitting next to, and I love her freaking guts]
-Cheeseburgers with large, crisp, juicy onions [thank you In and Out]
-Eminem [edited and post-ambien addiction]
-Pretzels and M&M's [Together...always together]
-Deodorant [because without it, the world would truly smell different]
-My calves [because without them, how would a distract all the boys at the gym]
-Cotton Swabs aka q-tips [I am slightly obsessed with the no ear wax ever concept]
-Not being color blind [to me, pink isn't even a color-it's a disgrace]
-Skullcandy headphones [don't even think about the new knock-offs, no one competes]
-Thumbs [you never realize how amazing something is until it is cut, swollen and wrapped in a bandage so that it's 3 times it's original size and rendered completely useless]
-Bicycles [if it weren't for the makers of Gary Fisher Hybrids I would walk everywhere]
-Fish Oil Pills [actually, I don't know why they made the cut]
-Mirrors [Imagine a world where only everyone else was able to see your beautiful face, and the booger hanging from your left nostril]
-Makeup [Imagine a world where you couldn't hide the beautiful blemishes strategically placed on your beautiful face]
-Toilet Paper [:)]
-Less than attractive boys-bless their hearts [for without them, we would never know who the attractive ones were]
       Okay that's it I think. I mean there are plenty more, but I can't think of them right now. :)
       So I have always liked writing, but a year ago ish I started this story/journal/autobiography and I really got into it and then life happened and I never finished it. But my friend, Kourtney, found a copy of what I had finished of it and I was talking to her about it and she thinks that I should finish. I think that it is one of those stories that you are kind of hesitant to share, but at the same time there are a lot of life lessons to be learned by others. So I am now going to finish it, I think.
       I guess part of the reason that I am hesitant to share it with others is because after people read that, it's like they suddenly realize who I am and why I am the way I am, they know my past and they treat me differently. Almost everyone who dislikes me with their first impression, loves me after they hear about my past. And everyone who loves when they first meet me love me even more. And it bothers me. Maybe I am just not willing to admit that my past makes up a big part of who I am. But I don't think I have met anyone, that after hearing my story likes me less. Read it and suddenly- Candace is funny, smart, strong and resilient. But before I am just the overly talkative short redhead who laughs at everything [including her own jokes] and gets along with everyone. Oh well, I guess that is just the way that it is. :)
       So anyway- I will be apparently finishing this story and maybe [if ya'll are lucky] posting it. :) I love that I am pretending like I am talking to an audience and so far I have 0 followers. :)
       Take it is a compliment- we keep secrets from those we love the most.
       Peace Out.

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