Sunday, September 5, 2010

Might As Well Go Practically Big

       So my latest ambition, the thing I would like to "grow up to be" is a personal trainer. Teach people how to gain control of their lives again through getting in great shape and taking care of the body that enables them to be alive. And eventually I would like to own my very own gym/health and fitness company. But I have recently also thought about other things too. I guess you could say that from my initial post-elementary school career goal, I have fallen down the ambition ladder quite a bit. I used to want to be an architect. Sitting in an office dreaming up big residential and commercial buildings and using both my stunning intelligence and my wild creativity and artistic talents to design buildings with function, practicality and aesthetic appeal. Minimum 5 years of schooling plus internship and I would still have to butt kiss my way to graduate from draftsman to architect at a big firm. So I ditched it and settled on personal trainer, a job in which I would be able to use mental skills to design and strategize and physical strength to demonstrate and coach others to a more healthy life. [I really should write commercials :)].
       I have also been thinking something military- which all of my friends of course are thoroughly opposed to the idea, Police officer- which apparently would also fail as a career for a 5'2" redhead, and a firefighter, which also could require a bit more of a physique than I have been blessed with. So maybe I will just have to stick with saving the planet one sit-up at a time. Either that or just get myself  some new friends. [jk, Ashleyface :)]
       Besides, personal training is something I could do at an entry level with no college education, just certification, and work my way through getting a degree that enables me to recieve a pay increase. Sure beats the pay at the big PM :)
       So I'm dreaming big [with the my own gym thing], but not so impossibly big that I get myself looking back at my life 2 years from now still making pizzas with my bank thousands in the red from student loans and thinking "Why didn't I just go to the gym and learn how to make people healthy?" :) So yeah. Dream big, but do so practically. Believing in your abilities and talents can only get you so far.
       Today's list of favorites-
#1- Bald People. Especially when you can tell that the poor suckers are only in their mid-twenties. :)
#2- The miniature lake created in your belly button when you take a bath.
#3- The fact that no matter what company it is that advertises no deodorant marks with their black dress labels and claims- you still end up with deodorant smeared on the collar of your batman shirt. Or maybe that is just me.

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