Whoever thought that 6 girls could all share a fridge was an idiot. There is NO room! one fridge, 6 people with milk and eggs and fruit and yogurt and bread and leftovers and cheese. It just doesn't fit. And plus, the pantry is tiny too. And there is only 5.25 shelves, and how do you split that between 6 people? There is plenty of other random storage space throughout the apartment, but who wants to put their wheaties in with the vacuum? No one.
Ha so last night I was rejected by a vending machine. I have a headache so I go to get a pepsi, and I put in 65 cents and press the button, and nothing. I press a diet button, and nothing. Then I press a dew button, and nothing. So I went and got 65 more cents and settled for coke instead, which for the record tastes like moldy cheese compared to dew and pepsi.
Oh and I carried 6 bags of groceries home today, which is only like a half mile, but it was so DANG heavy that I didn't even need to go to the gym today.
But, I have to admit that coke cans look a lot cooler than pepsi cans. I just like the coloring and such better.
I am a very happy girl. :) I have an apartment with amazing roomies, and I have a great job, and great friends, and my family, despite it's slightly dysfunctional state, is actually kinda cool I guess. :)
hahaha. i was laughing so hard because it is so true! the fridges are the size of elf fridges.